Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Puding Tapai Ketan Hitam

Kebetulan lagi punya banyak tape ketan hitam pemberian uti Mumun 
& nenek Rudi, so bikin aja pudding ini. Lumayan Cuma agak keras, 
mungkin next time airnya ditambah dikit.
Bahan Puding :
400 g tapai ketan hitam à q, ¾ bagian diblender, ¼ bentuk asli
1 liter susu segar (fresh milk) à q pakai air plus susu kental manis
2 bungkus @ 7 g agar-agar putih / merah à q pakai warna putih
150 g gula pasir
2 telur ayam, kocok putihnya saja hingga berbusa à q pakai 1 butir aj
merah telurnya cukup dikocok dengan garpu saja
1/2 sendok teh garam (sesuai selera)
Bahan Vla :
1 liter susu segar
5 sendok teh Custard Powder (campur dengan 100 ml susu)
5 sendok makan gula pasir
1 sendok teh Esen rasa Pandan atau air Jeruk Lemon
Cara membuat:
masukkan tapai ketan hitam ke dalam mangkuk, blender.
agar-agar, susu segar dan gula pasir. Masak di atas api sedang sambil 
aduk-aduk agar susu tidak pecah sampai hampir mendidih. 
Masukan kuning telur aduk hingga rata. 
Masukan tapai ketan hitam yang sudah di blender tadi, 
aduk sampai mendidih. Segera matikan api setelah mendidih. 
Masukan putih telur yang sudah dikocok menjadi busa, 
blender sebentar supaya rata.
Siapkan loyang agar-agar bervolume 1,5 liter. Tuangkan sedikit demi 
sedikit adonan agar-agar kedalam loyang hingga penuh. 
Biarkan hingga dingin dan keras.
Simpan dalam lemari es hingga dingin. 
Cara Membuat Vla : Didihkan 900 ml Susu dan gula pasir sampai hampir 
mendidih, masukan Custard powder yang sudah dicairkan, aduk sampai 
mengental. Matikan api kalau sudah mendidih. Dinginkan dalam lemari es.



Resep diambil dari tabloid Nyata jadul (kurleb 1997 / 1998). Dibuat lebaran kemarin pas dapat kiriman keju edam dari Mas Edy. So q bikin buat bude, emak, uti Mumun, uti Ldh, Ita, Mas Edi (penyandang dana keju) and for us also (Cuma kebagian 1 stoples merah kecil hadiah dari Ades) padahal bikinnya seharian penuh, baru bisa tidur jam 1.30 AM.

Bahan :
Margarin Blue Band      500 gr
Terigu                           650 gr (q pakai terigu kompasnya isper)
Keju edam                   200 gr (q pakai 150 gr, toppingnya pakai keju cheddar kraft)
Garam                          20 gr (q pakai 1 sdt peres)
Kuning telor                  1 btr
Plus resep optional asdded by Ana sbb:
Room butter                 1 sdm
Susu Oi                        4 sdk takar

Cara Membuat :
  1. Kocok mentega, garam, room butter dan kuning telor sampai rata (jangan terlalu lama ntar hasilnya keras, ini pengalama pribadi waktu praktek kue emping minggu lalu).
  2. Masukka keju edam parut dan susu bubuk, aduk rata.
  3. Masukkan terigu, aduk rata. Cetak dengan cetakan kastangel
  4. Hias atasnya dengan kuning telor & keju parut
  5. Oven dengan api sedang kurang lebih 20 menit (sampai kue matang kekuningan)

Cake and Cookie Baking Tips for Beginners

Are you new to baking cakes and cookies? Not sure how to read and follow recipes? Here are some baking tips to get you started.
* All ingredients should be at cool room temperature.
* Unless the recipe states otherwise, use unsalted butter. If you have only salted butter on hand, reduce the amount of salt in the recipe by 1/4 teaspoon per stick of butter. Use regular butter, not whipped, and don't substitute margarine unless the recipe gives it as an alternative.
* Unless otherwise stated, eggs used in baking recipes should be the large size.
* Use dry measures for dry ingredients and wet measures for liquid ingredients. Measuring cups for dry ingredients come in individual sizes (1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, 1/2 cup, 1 cup). You fill the cup completely with the flour or other dry ingredient and level it off. Liquid measures are marked with lines for various amounts (1/3 cup, 4 ounces, etc.), with some space at the top so the liquid doesn't spill. You pour the liquid in up to the desired line.
* To measure flour, stir up the flour, then swoop the measuring cup into the flour, and level the flour even with the top of the cup using a knife or the side of your hand.
* To measure sugar or cocoa, spoon it into the cup.
* To measure brown sugar, spoon it into the cup and pack it down with the back of the spoon.
* When measuring sticky ingredients such as molasses or honey, lightly oil the inside of the cup first.
* You must sift flour for cakes and confectioners' sugar when you're using it in icing.
* For cakes, sift the flour, measure it, then sift it again with the dry ingredients. You don't need to sift flour for pies or most cookies.
* Chocolate must be melted over low heat or it will burn. You can melt it in the top of a double boiler (a pan with two parts; the top sits in the bottom pan, which contains boiling water). You can also put it in a microwave-proof container and heat on 80 percent power for 1 minute. It should still be lumpy when you remove it; keep stirring until it is smooth. If it is still lumpy, return it to the microwave and heat in 10-second increments on 80 percent power until smooth.
* To cream butter (with or without the sugar), beat it at high speed on an electric mixer for about 2 minutes, or until it is fluffy.
* If a recipe tells you to fold in egg whites or cream, it means to spoon the egg whites or cream over the batter, then move a rubber spatula in a circular motion from the bottom of the bowl to the top of the batter, "folding" in the whites or cream. You can also use a wire whisk to gently whisk in the eggs or cream.
* Use the size of pans indicated in the recipe.
* Always turn the oven on for at least 15 minutes before you will be using it, so it has time to reach the proper temperature.
* Baking (cookie) sheets come with and without sides. Some recipes refer to a baking sheet with sides as a jelly-roll pan. Cookies bake the most evenly on a cookie sheet without sides, but it's OK to use one with sides.
* Space drop cookies at least 1 1/2 inches apart on the baking sheet so they have room to spread.
* Most cookies should cool on the baking sheets for a minute or two to "set" before they're removed to wire racks to cool completely. Cakes should cool completely in the pan before being inverted onto a plate or cardboard round. Run a knife between the cake and the sides of the pan first to loosen it.

Virginia (Ginger) Van Vynckt is a longtime food writer, cookbook author, and webmaster of, a site devoted to cookie baking and decorating.